Is Your Child Reaching Developmental Milestones?
The Pennsylvania Bureau of Early Intervention Services has developed a brochure describing Early Intervention services and basic developmental milestones for children by age group. Click the link to download the brochure Watch Me Grow! Developmental Checklist & Tips.
Developmental Milestones are the markers parents and caregivers can use to understand how their child should be developing, in general. Remember, all children develop at different rates and will have their own strengths and abilities. However, if you are seeking more information about your child’s development the following websites will provide excellent information from trusted experts in child development.
By 6 Mos. – Knows faces, smiles, makes cooing sounds. Lifts head, begins to roll over, holds toy briefly. Watches own hands and looks at things around them. Tries new foods, seems excited about being fed. Can bring both hands to center, plays with toes.
By 1 Year – Rolls a ball, looks for dropped toys. Likes to play with a toy, can use a cup with help. Sits up, creeps or crawls, pulls up to stand. Says and understands a few words and starts to stand alone.
By 18 Mos. – Says several words, makes noises as if talking. Can roll a ball, mimics others. Takes off some clothes, puts things in a box, uses a cup, spoon, and kicks a ball. Starting to run and climb stairs.
By 2 Years – Speaks several words together. Feeds self with spoon and drinks from cup. Points to body parts when asked. Kicks a ball, walks up and down stairs. Likes to hear stories, plays alone for short time.
By 3 Years – Enjoys pretending with toys and adults. Easily picks up very small objects. Uses three word sentences, Enjoys playing with children but may be shy. Puts on coat, shoes and hat.
Learn More Below
American Academy of Pediatrics
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
March of Dimes
American Speech Language Hearing Association
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
National Network for Child Care
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
First Signs
Hallmark Developmental Milestones.